
What is Laparoscopy?

What is Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy; It can be defined as a surgical method performed without incisions on the body. Today, however, laparoscopy is used in the field of health for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Laparoscopy, which reduces the trauma in the treatment processes, shortens the healing process and increases the comfort of the patient, as well as clearly diagnosing the health problems experienced by the patients; It is often used in the field of gynecology.

From removal of ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy) to removal of chocolate cysts; Many gynecological operations, from removal of fibroids to pelvic floor surgery, are performed with laparoscopic methods.

Laparoscopy facilitates surgical operations for the patient; Although it is a method that reduces the risk of possible complications after open surgery, it can also be used for diagnostic purposes.

What is Gynecological Laparoscopy?

Gynecological laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery; It is a method that allows viewing the pelvic region with a special surgical telescope called a laparoscope. Gynecological laparoscopy can be used for both diagnosis and treatment. Laparoscopy can be used to understand the history of unexplained pelvic pain, infertility and infection in the pelvic region.

Which Diseases Can Be Diagnosed With Laparoscopy?

With laparoscopy, the diagnosis of many gynecological diseases can be made clearly. Uterine fibroids (benign tumors in the uterus), ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic abscess, pelvic scar tissue, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, gynecological cancers and endometriosis are among the health problems that can be diagnosed with laparoscopy technology.

What are Laparoscopy Treatments?

The gynecological treatments that can be applied by the laparoscopy method can be exemplified as follows: hysterectomy surgery in which the uterus is removed, removal of the ovaries, removal of ovarian cysts, removal of benign tumors in the uterus, endometrial tissue ablation, etc.

How is Laparoscopy Applied?

There are differences between the use of laparoscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Diagnostic laparoscopy is completed in approximately 20 minutes. More extensive procedures are performed during laparoscopy, which is applied for therapeutic purposes. During laparoscopy, which is usually performed under general anesthesia, 3-5 mm incisions are made in the abdominal region. Special surgical instruments are inserted from this area and the intra-abdominal organs can be clearly visualized. Since there is a camera at the end of the surgical instruments inserted in the abdomen, the doctor can simultaneously view the intra-abdominal region and complete the treatments.

Laparoscopy, which is used not only in the field of gynecology but also in other branches of medicine; When performed by experienced specialists, it is a very safe method, with successful results and keeping the patient's comfort at a high level.

Blog - What is Laparoscopy?