
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday

Genital Area Whitening

Genital Area Whitening

The aesthetic appearance of the vaginal area depends on many factors. Color equality is one of them. The vagina may be darker than normal due to birth control pills, waxing or structural reasons. Ideal appearance; It is an equal, light-colored and bright appearance in every part of the vagina. The dark color of the vagina may cause the woman to feel uneasy during sexual intercourse and to be afraid of her partner. It should not be forgotten that in order for a woman to be self-confident, she must be at peace with every part of her body. Today, vagina whitening can be done thanks to many comfortable methods.

İzmir uses laser and chemical peeling methods in our clinic for vaginal whitening.

Genital Area Causes Darkening? Why Does the Vagina Darken?

Color change in the vagina can occur for many reasons. Many women may encounter this problem at some point in their lives.

Hormonal changes can cause darkening in the vagina. Changing hormone levels, especially during puberty and pregnancy, can cause color changes.
Birth control pills can also cause darkening as they change the body's hormone balance.
Prolonged sunbathing and exposure of the genital area to the sun also cause the proliferation of melanin cells.
With the advancement of age, tissue deformations occur. For this reason, vaginal tissues may also change color.
Epilation with wax can also cause darkening in the vagina. Since the vagina area is a sensitive area, darkening complaints may also occur in incorrect laser epilation applications.
Genital Area What is Whitening? Why is it done?

Vagina whitening; It is a procedure that can be performed with laser, radiofrequency or special external drugs, making the vagina appear lighter and cleaner. It is important for many women that the vagina looks more aesthetic and attractive in terms of external appearance. Especially today, women are more careful and attentive in this regard. This increases the need for vaginal whitening.

The vagina may be darkened in some people due to structural reasons and in others due to deformation. This prevents the woman from feeling comfortable during sex. It can lower self-esteem. Continuous waxing can also significantly increase blackening. Vagina whitening ensures that the color in the vagina is equalized and the darkened areas gain a lighter and smoother appearance.

How is Vagina Whitening Made?

İzmir vaginal whitening is performed in many different clinics. Thanks to today's modern technology, there are different technologies used for genital whitening. Vaginal whitening is performed with laser and chemical peeling in our clinic in Izmir. The main purpose of using these methods; It is the person's ability to have a vagina whitening done in a short time, comfortably and painlessly.

Vagina Whitening with Laser

The laser genital bleaching operation is very simple and takes about 15-20 minutes. It is forbidden to apply cream, shave, or tan with the sun or devices for the three days before the procedure. Laser genital bleaching is a painless procedure, so general anesthesia or local anesthesia is not needed. Although the frequency of sessions varies according to the darkening of the patient's genital area and skin structure, very satisfactory results are obtained even with a single session. After the genital area bleaching process with laser, the patient can continue his daily life.

Vagina Whitening with Chemical Peeling

Treatment with chemical peeling is more effective thanks to the content of acidide with a moderate peeling effect, which we call TCA, which is one of the newly developed methods. After a single application, the result is achieved with medical treatment applied at home for a month. The chemical peeling method can be applied not only to the genital area, namely the labium major, but also to the problems that occur in the pubic area or above the pubis.

No pain is felt during the procedure. After the application area is cleaned with skin antiseptic before the procedure, peeling is applied. It is recommended to apply 4-6 sessions with an interval of 10 days. If necessary, it can be combined with other processes depending on the condition of the color darkening.

Izmir Vagina Whitening Prices 2021

Vagina whitening İzmir is a procedure preferred by more and more women today. It is also ideal for working women as the applications are very comfortable. After the vagina is whitened, the person feels better. During sex, she can be closer to her partner and enjoy sex more.

Vagina whitening prices vary according to the application method. For more detailed information about Izmir vagina whitening prices, you can call our clinic.

Genital Area Whitening is carried out in a private environment in our clinic. Our patients are discharged on the same day. For more detailed information and appointment, you can get information by contacting our clinic.

Genital Area Whitening
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday

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