
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday

Anorgasmia Treatment

Anorgasmia Treatment


In our society, the vast majority of women cannot experience orgasm, which is called contraction of the uterus and vagina during sexual intercourse with rhythmic movements. Therefore, he does not enjoy sexuality and perceives it as a burden and therefore has psychological problems.

Anorgasmia is defined as the inability to orgasm or to have an orgasm too late despite sexual stimulation in women.

Contrary to popular belief, the problem of anorgasmia is not only for women; It also affects family unity and ties between couples. While women are negatively affected by this situation, loss of self-confidence may also occur. In addition, marriages and relationships are also adversely affected, as sexual problems can occur between spouses due to anorgasmia.

What causes anorgasmia?

Studies indicate that difficulty in reaching orgasm in women or not having an orgasm at all is among the most common sexual dysfunctions.

The causes of anorgasmia are grouped into three main groups. These; are listed as physical, psychological and spousal/partner-related reasons.

A gynecological examination is absolutely necessary for a clear understanding of the cause of anorgasmia. The physical causes of orgasm problems are as follows:

Infection in the vagina,
vaginal dryness,
Painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
In addition, it is known that diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and some neurological disorders can cause orgasm problems.
Orgasm problems, which are psychologically based and due to spouse/partner-related reasons, are handled by the relevant specialties. In some cases, a combination of psychological treatment and physical treatment may be necessary.
In our clinic, anorgasmia that occurs in the vagina region and develops due to physiological problems is treated.

What are Anorgasmia Treatments?

More than one method is applied within the scope of anorgasmia treatment in women; It is aimed to increase the pleasure that women get during their sexual intercourse.

Depending on the type of anorgasmia (clitoral or vaginal), there are different treatment options.

As part of the treatment of sexual orgasm problems, women are treated with G spot augmentation, laser vaginal tightening and genital biological serum applications.

G Spot Augmentation

The Gräfenberg spot or G spot is the name given to the sensitive genital area surrounding the urethra. The G spot, which is located on the anterior wall of the vagina and plays an active role in the orgasm process; It is a special area for the treatment of anorgasmia. After the G-spot augmentation, this area is stimulated more during sexual intercourse, facilitating orgasm. G point; It can be enlarged with a single application with fat injection and filling methods. At the same time, the sensitivity of the G spot can be increased by triggering the structural protein production in the region with the application of biological serum.

Genital Biological Serum Application

As mentioned above, biological serum application, which has the feature of triggering the formation of structural proteins and new cells in the injected area; It can be injected into the genital areas that play an active role in the orgasm process, such as the G spot and the clitoris. The blood taken from the person is processed into a t.boside-rich plasma. After the biological serum treatment, which is based on the principles of obtaining and injecting this plasma into the treatment area, it becomes easier for women to reach sexual pleasure.

Laser or Surgical Vaginal Tightening

Although the G spot and the clitoris are the most important areas for orgasm to occur, anorgasmia complaints may occur as a result of the vagina losing its tightness. Vaginal enlargement, which reduces women's self-confidence and prevents couples from achieving mutual sexual satisfaction, can be tightened with laser vaginal tightening. Vaginoplasty is another procedure in which the vagina is narrowed by surgical method. Developed as an alternative to this application, laser vaginal tightening gives extremely successful results in selected patients without the need for surgery. While the laser process tightens the vagina, it also provides vaginal rejuvenation (rejuvenation).

Vaginal Laser and Prp Application

Monalisa touch laser can be used in cases such as not being able to feel sexual pleasure, not being able to experience orgasm or having a very difficult orgasm. PRP (Platelet Reach Plasma) application can also be added to further increase the effect. Thus, a synergistic effect occurs.

Women may not be able to orgasm as a result of many different factors. Anorgasmia treatment may require the application of both physical and psychological treatment methods. Anorgasmia treatments, which have gained importance with the increase in women's awareness of their sexual life, are carried out in our clinic. The fact that the problem of anorgasmia can damage the emotional bonds between couples should not be denied; The importance of women who do not have orgasms to apply to treatment processes should not be overlooked.

Anorgasmia Treatment is carried out in a private environment in our clinic. Our patients are discharged on the same day. For more detailed information and appointment, you can get information by contacting our clinic.

Anorgasmia Treatment
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday

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