
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday
Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday



The main cause of cervical cancer is the HPV virus. With the HPV DNA test applied within the scope of the diagnosis of cervical cancer, it can be understood whether there is HPV virus in the pieces taken from the cervix, and if there is, whether the HPV virus is of a cancer-hazardous type.

Sexually transmitted HPV virus can cause both cervical cancer and lower-risk strains of HPV virus can cause genital warts on the vagina, vulva, and cervix.

Cells are collected from the cervix during the HPV test, which can be applied simultaneously with the PAP Smear test or separately when an abnormality is found in the PAP Smear results. The collected cells are sent to the laboratory for examination, and at this stage, it is determined whether the collected cells contain cancer-causing strains of the HPV virus.

Why is HPV DNA Test Done?

HPV testing; When suspicious findings are obtained in the PAP smear results or in routine cervical cancer screening in women older than 30 years, it can be performed together with the smear test. If necessary, treatment options are evaluated according to the HPV DNA test results.

HPV DNA test results do not reveal whether a person has cancer or not. It only allows the diagnosis of HPV virus types that have a high risk of causing cancer in the cells taken from the person.

HPV DNA Test Results

HPV DNA test results performed in the clinical setting are taken as positive or negative. HPV test results are negative; It means that there is no HPV virus that can cause cervical cancer in the person. Positive HPV DNA test results mean that the person has high-risk HPV virus. Positive results do not mean that the person has cervical cancer, as has just been mentioned, but only indicates a high risk of developing cervical cancer in the future.

In line with the results of the HPV test, different follow-up and treatment options can be offered to the person:

PAP smear and HPV results normally take a Co-Test every 5 years after the age of 30.
The cervix is ​​examined in detail with the colposcopy method.
Cervical biopsy can be done during colposcopy.
Abnormal cells in the cervix can be removed.

Op.Dr.Sultan Buğday

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