
Vagina Outer Lip Sagging

Vagina Outer Lip Sagging

Vaginal outer lip sagging is one of the most common aesthetic problems in women. The size and symmetry of the vaginal lips of all women are different. Although the outer and inner lips will grow significantly at the onset of puberty, they may increase in size and asymmetry due to pregnancy, vaginal birth, age, or hormonal changes. The outer lips may sag due to genetic predisposition, significant weight loss or simply aging. There are signs of sagging of the outer vaginal lip. If the sagging of the outer lip of the vagina is mild, you may not notice it. However, the increase in the amount of sagging will bring some difficulties to daily life. Women with drooping vaginal lips complain that this type of sagging can cause significant swelling in the genital area, especially when wearing swimsuits in summer. Other symptoms caused by sagging of the outer lip include abnormalities in skin smoothness, hygiene problem, pain and certain discomforts.

How Does Sagging In The Vagina Occur?

The anterior and posterior walls of the vagina may sag due to vaginal birth, especially large baby, difficult birth, prolonged birth, interventional birth, multiple births, birth tears, or the vagina may be displaced downwards with the effect of gravity as a natural process of aging. In the vaginal canal, damage may occur over time in the urinary bladder in the front, the rectum (plain bowel) in the back, and the muscle and connective tissue that hold the vagina in place on the sides. A loose vaginal canal and a wide vaginal entrance may occur as a result of damage to the anterior, posterior and lateral walls of the vagina, the vaginal entrance and the tissues around the urinary canal. In some cases, extensive and widespread damage to the vaginal wall and supporting tissues may occur. The supporting structures of organs such as the urinary bladder, flat intestine and uterus, which are connected to each other, can be completely destroyed. In this case, as a result of the complete collapse of the pelvic floor, the genitals can come out completely from the vagina, that is, prolapse.

What are the Symptoms of Sagging in the Vagina?

Women with sagging problems in the vagina usually have the following complaints; feeling the need to support the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) by pressing with the hand during defecation, stool incontinence during sexual intercourse, laughing coughing sneezing or incontinence during exercise (stress type). Women who experience sagging in the vagina also state that they feel their vaginas are excessively relaxed and enlarged, they cannot feel their partners, they do not perceive friction and excitement, and they have difficulty in reaching orgasm during sexual intercourse. All these complaints severely impair the comfort of sexual life. Replacing the sagging organs with different methods, as well as solutions that narrow and tighten the vagina, provide improvement in sexual functions.

Women who do not do regular Kegel exercises may find the vaginal entrance to be extremely loose due to the decrease in the tone of the pubococcygeal muscles (love muscles). With KEGEL exercises, known as pelvic floor exercises, strengthening the pubococcygeal muscles (love muscles) and corrective surgeries to the vagina, the urinary bladder in the front and the rectum (flat bowel) in the back can be restored to normal. Thus, the vagina is corrected both anatomically and functionally.

Treatment of Vagina Outer Lip Prolapse İzmir

If vaginal sagging or labial hypertrophy is affecting your life and your enjoyment of physical activity or sexual intercourse, you should consult your gynecologist for expert advice. Your doctor may recommend a procedure called labiaplasty to remove your saggy outer lips. In this operation, excess tissue causing sagging is removed, vaginal lips are reduced and outer lips are reshaped. Although aesthetic and plastic surgery of sagging of the outer lip of the vagina usually requires general anesthesia, it can sometimes be performed under sedation and local anesthesia. Like any major surgery, labiaplasty has many risks. Among these, conditions such as scarring, anesthesia risk, bleeding risk can be listed.

Precautions of Vagina Outer Lip Sagging

If the outer lip is large, drooping and sensitive, contact should be avoided. Cleaning between the folds of the outer lip skin may be more difficult, especially during your menstrual period. This can lead to chronic infections. Large, drooping inner lips rub against underwear. Prolonged friction can cause skin roughness and inflammation. Sagging of the vaginal lips can cause pain during physical activities (such as riding, cycling) that put pressure on the genital area. Pain and discomfort may also occur during sexual intercourse. A drooping outer lip can cause discomfort while wearing tight clothing, exercising, or during sexual intercourse. Surgical genital plastic surgery, i.e. labiaplasty, can be used to remove excess skin and underlying tissues when the vagina sagging outer lip and inner lip cause significant physical discomfort or aesthetic barriers.

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