
Advantages of Laparoscopy

Advantages of Laparoscopy

What are the Advantages of Laparoscopy Method?

Laparoscopy, which stands out as the most preferred method in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases and during gynecological surgeries, has many advantages. The most obvious advantage of the laparoscopy method is that patients are now freed from the traumatic effects of open surgeries. The advantages of laparoscopy, which increases the comfort of life in the postoperative period, shortens the healing process and reduces the risk of complications compared to open surgeries, can be listed as follows:

Minimal Scar Formation

After the closed surgeries performed with the laparoscopic method, the scar complaints of the patients are minimal. No obvious incisions are made on the skin, only millimeter incisions are made. Therefore, there is no possibility of leaving scars that will disturb the patient. Spot-sized scars after the operation lose their clarity over time.

Shorten Hospital Stay

After the operations performed with the laparoscopy method, the patient can be discharged quickly. After open surgeries, the length of stay in the hospital is prolonged, but in laparoscopic operations, the patient can return home the same day or the day after the surgery, with the approval of the doctors.

Trauma Occurrence Decreases During Operation

During laparoscopic operations based on microsurgery principles, the abdominal region can be enlarged and visualized. Therefore, specialists can focus on the target area during the surgery they perform in the abdomen. Minimal tissue damage and non-intervention of tissues other than the operation area reduces the occurrence of trauma in patients.

Post-Operation Patient Comfort Increases

One of the greatest advantages of laparoscopic operations is that the comfort of the patient in the postoperative period is much higher than that of open surgeries. The fact that the patient has few complaints of pain and no surgical incision is made significantly shortens the healing process of the patient. After the operation, the patient can return to his daily life and business life within 1 week. The advantages of laparoscopic operations can be understood more clearly when considering the fact that approximately 5-7 weeks should be waited for the transition to daily life after open surgeries.

One of the advantages of the laparoscopic method is that the risk of postoperative complications is very low. The risk of getting an infection is almost non-existent since there are no open wounds, and complications such as adhesions and intestinal obstruction are rarely seen. However, the experience and skill of the specialists who will perform laparoscopy operations should be considered.

If you would like to experience the advantages of the diagnosis and treatment processes of gynecological diseases with the laparoscopic method, you can get detailed information by contacting us!

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